about naturopathic medicine
naturopathic medicine is a body-mind-spirit medicine that is grounded in a distinct philosophy:
the body has an innate wisdom and healing potential, which we can learn to communicate with and cooperate with for improved wellbeing.
the body has an innate wisdom and healing potential, which we can learn to communicate with and cooperate with for improved wellbeing.
the six principles
(for more information, please visit the Naturopathic Medicine Network at www.pandamedicine.com)
First, do no harm.
Identify and treat the cause.
Work with the healing power of nature.
Provide individualized care that treats the whole person.
Prevent disturbance by promoting habits that support good health.
The physician's role is to educate and encourage.
First, do no harm.
Identify and treat the cause.
Work with the healing power of nature.
Provide individualized care that treats the whole person.
Prevent disturbance by promoting habits that support good health.
The physician's role is to educate and encourage.